Nnautilus Knit

The collection is called Knautilus Knit as we were assigned to complete a knitwear collection. It is usually a rule to never wear pastels in the winter but I made an exception for this collection to get a more ethereal feel. It seemed more expected to me as well to use darker colors for a knitwear collection.

I drew inspiration from an iridescent nautilus shell I saw while flipping through my magazine clippings and made that the backbone of the collection. It also made sense because I jumped into the design process without really knowing my inspiration, and the shapes that I was coming up with were dramatic and loose, yet sculptural. I thought that the draping on some of the designs looked very shell-like. Therefore, the collection turned into a pastel beach, almost mermaid-inspired collection.

I did try to include some iridescent qualities in the makeup, but it was quite difficult with gouache.

The goal overall was to give the collection a dreamlike quality, which I think comes across nicely:)